
What is VAT in Sweden?


  1. What is VAT in Sweden?
  2. What does VAT not included mean?
  3. What does VAT stand for?
  4. What is VAT inclusive mean?
  5. What is exempt from VAT Sweden?
  6. What items are exempt from VAT in Sweden?
  7. Should I include or exclude VAT?
  8. Is VAT added or included?
  9. What does VAT stand for in EU?
  10. What is the VAT rate in Europe?
  11. How much is VAT inclusive?
  12. Why is VAT included?
  13. Can you claim VAT in Sweden?
  14. What is the tax exemption in Sweden?
  15. What items are included in VAT?
  16. What does exclusive of VAT mean?
  17. What does including VAT mean?
  18. What is the meaning of VAT inclusive?
  19. What is VAT and how does it work?
  20. What does exclusive of VAT mean?
  21. What does including VAT mean?
  22. What is the meaning of VAT inclusive?
  23. What is VAT and how does it work?

What is VAT in Sweden?

If you are planning to run a business that is liable to pay VAT or has the right to a refund of VAT, you should register for VAT with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) no later than two weeks before the business is started.

Deductions for input VAT are permitted if the purchases are necessary for the operations of the business.

What does VAT not included mean?

The term "VAT inclusive" refers to the inclusion of Value-Added-Tax (VAT) in the price of a product or service. VAT is a consumption tax imposed on goods and services at each stage of production or distribution. It is commonly used in many countries around the world.

When a price is stated as VAT inclusive, it means that the listed amount already includes the applicable VAT. This indicates that the final price the customer pays incorporates the relevant VAT amount, and there are no additional taxes to be added at the point of sale.

What does VAT stand for?

  • a general tax that applies, in principle, to all commercial activities involving the production and distribution of goods and the provision of services. However, if the annual turnover of this person is less than a certain limit (the threshold), which differs according to the Member State, the person does not have to charge VAT on their sales.
  • a consumption tax because it is borne ultimately by the final consumer. It is not a charge on businesses.
  • charged as a percentage of price, which means that the actual tax burden is visible at each stage in the production and distribution chain.
  • collected fractionally, via a system of partial payments whereby taxable persons (i.e., VAT-registered businesses) deduct from the VAT they have collected the amount of tax they have paid to other taxable persons on purchases for their business activities. This mechanism ensures that the tax is neutral regardless of how many transactions are involved.
  • paid to the revenue authorities by the seller of the goods, who is the "taxable person", but it is actually paid by the buyer to the seller as part of the price. It is thus an indirect tax.
  • At the time when the European Community was created, the original six EU countries were using different forms of indirect taxation, most of which were cascade taxes. These were multi-stage taxes which were each levied on the actual value of output at each stage of the productive process, making it impossible to determine the real amount of tax actually included in the final price of a particular product. As a consequence, there was always a risk that EU countries would deliberately or accidentally subsidise their exports by overestimating the taxes refundable on exportation.
  • It was evident that if there was ever going to be an efficient, single market in Europe, a neutral and transparent turnover tax system was required which ensured tax neutrality and allowed the exact amount of tax to be rebated at the point of export. As explained in VAT on imports and exports, VAT allows for the certainty that exports there are completely and transparently tax-free.

What is VAT inclusive mean?

When identifying the amount of VAT charged, it is important to distinguish between VAT inclusive and VAT exclusive prices. A VAT inclusive price includes VAT at the prevailing rate.

When a VAT registered business issues an invoice to their customer they must ensure that they charge the correct rate of VAT. Whilst most businesses in the UK charge VAT at the standard rate of 20% there are a number of different VAT rates and exemptions to consider. This includes the reduced VAT rate of 5%. 

What is exempt from VAT Sweden?

Anyone that in an economic activity supplies goods or services is considered to be a taxable person and is thus liable to pay VAT. An economic activity means any activity of producers, traders or persons supplying goods or services.

Economic activities do not include activities pursued by a non-profit organization or a registered religious community, when the income of the activity is exempt from income tax according to the Swedish Income Tax law.

A taxable person is exempt from VAT on the supply of goods or services within Sweden if the turnover is not estimated to exceed SEK 30,000 for the current fiscal year and has not exceeded SEK 30,000 for any of the two previous fiscal years.

If a business performs taxable supplies in Sweden – other than OSS services – it will be required to notify the Swedish Tax Authorities of the date of commencement of taxable activities; the business will be assigned a VAT number (“momsregistreringsnummer”).

Also, if a business makes intra-Community acquisitions of goods in Sweden, it will be required to register for VAT. 

The registration rules which apply to Swedish entities also apply to non-Swedish entities providing taxable supplies in Sweden.

What items are exempt from VAT in Sweden?

The Swedish VAT system is harmonised with the EU rules. The general VAT rate of 25% is chargeable on most goods and services. Reduced rates apply to a few goods and services, such as hotel accommodation, foodstuffs (excluding alcoholic beverages), restaurant meals, and low or non-alcoholic drinks (12%), as well as newspapers, magazines, books, e-books, passenger transport, maps, musical notes, some cultural services, transport in ski lifts, etc. (6%). Certain financial and insurance services are exempted from VAT.

VAT returns are filed and tax is paid monthly or quarterly. VAT returns must be filed monthly if the VATable turnover is estimated to exceed 40 million Swedish kronor (SEK) (estimated yearly sales excluding any reverse charge or import acquisitions). Companies with VATable turnover below SEK 40 million report VAT quarterly or may choose to report VAT on a monthly basis. For companies with a turnover of less than SEK 1 million, VAT is reported on a yearly basis in the VAT return, and these companies may also choose to report VAT quarterly or on a monthly basis.

As a member of the European Union, Sweden is also part of the Customs union enforcing the Community Customs code. Most EU Customs duties are calculated as a percentage of the value of the goods being imported. All imported goods must be classified according to the EU Customs tariff (TARIC), and the duty rates applied depend on the economic sensitivity of the goods. The actual duty rate to be applied also depends on other factors, such as the country of origin of the product and any free trade agreements that may be applicable.

Should I include or exclude VAT?

Consumers usually have to pay VAT and can’t generally recover it. If customers are consumers, all prices quoted in ads should include VAT in the stated price. It is not sufficient to state a VAT-exclusive price accompanied by information that VAT is payable. When VAT is included in the quoted price, it is optional to include a statement to that effect.

The ASA has ruled against many ads which present VAT-exclusive prices to customers who have to pay VAT. Complaints about ads for event tickets have been upheld because the quoted prices did not include VAT, and other non-optional fees. The advertiser argued that VAT could not be calculated in advance because, prior to consumers selecting a ticket, they did not know the buyer’s country of residence. However, the ASA considered that, given the claims appeared on the UK version of the website, most buyers would be from the UK, and would therefore pay the UK rate of VAT. Therefore the total ticket price should have included the UK rate of VAT (Viagogo AG, 07 March 2018).

Where some consumers are exempt from paying VAT for particular products, unless everyone to whom the price is clearly addressed do not pay VAT or can recover VAT, the VAT-inclusive price must still be stated. An ad for a personal alarm service breached the rules because the quoted price did not include VAT. The advertiser explained that many of their customers were exempt from paying VAT, however, because not all customers were exempt, the ad should have clearly stated that VAT-inclusive price, and the ad should have made clear to whom the VAT-exclusive price was addressed to (Lifeline24 Ltd, 13 February 2019).

Is VAT added or included?

Any VAT due is already included in the price of something you buy in a shop. No tax is added when you pay.

What does VAT stand for in EU?

The European Union’s Value Added Tax (VAT) system is semi-harmonized: while the guidelines are set out at the European Union-level, the implementation of VAT policy is the prerogative of Member States.  The VAT Directive allows Member States to apply a minimum fifteen percent VAT rate.  However, they may apply reduced rates for specific goods and services or apply temporary derogations from VAT.  Therefore, the examination of VAT rates by Member State is strongly recommended.

In addition, the European Union applies VAT to sales by non-European Union-based companies of electronically supplied services to European Union-based non-business customers.  U.S. companies that are covered by the rule must collect and submit VAT to EU tax authorities.  As of 2015, telecommunications, broadcasting, and electronic services are taxable at the place where the customer resides.  In the case of businesses, this means either the country where the business is registered or the country where it has a fixed premise receiving the service.  In the case of consumers, it is where they are registered, have their permanent address, or otherwise live.

What is the VAT rate in Europe?

While the European Union does not have the power to set the VAT rates of each of its member states, it has several basic rules that EU countries must abide by. New rules are included in various EU directives, but the primary directive (released in 2006) established that:

  • Countries must have a standard VAT rate and up to two reduced rates. 
  • The standard VAT rate of an EU member state cannot be less than 15%.
  • The reduced VAT rate(s) of an EU member state cannot be less than 5%. 

How much is VAT inclusive?

Value added tax (VAT), is a consumption tax; it is applied to goods and services, which is why it is known as goods and services tax (GST) in some countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore. The name refers to the fact that it is a tax on the "added value", i.e. the sale price of a product after deducting the cost of materials and other taxable inputs (see below for an example). Another form of consumption tax is the sales tax.

VAT/GST applies to every stage of production of goods and services (therefore called a multi-stage tax) and is calculated based on the "added value" only. It means that each participant in the production chain pays VAT only for the "added value" they create. This process goes on until the product reaches its final recipient — the customer. He/she does not produce any "added value", therefore it is he/she who is the ultimate bearer of the tax burden.

In contrast, the retail sales tax is a single-stage tax charged on the total value of sold goods or services when the sale takes place. Therefore it is paid only once in contrast to VAT, which is calculated multiple times.

Through a simple example, the below table illustrates the comparison between VAT and sales tax. Imagine a lumberjack cutting trees (without cost) who sells the wood (enough for one barrel) to a sawmill owner for $100. The sawmill owner cuts the wood into oak staves and sells it to the cooper for $150. The cooper then makes a barrel that he can sell for $300 to the retailer who eventually sells it to the customer for $350. The total VAT paid is $35 or 10% of the sum of values added at each stage. In the case of sales tax with the same 10% rate the paid tax is identical, however, it's assessed only at the point of sale to the customer.

Why is VAT included?

Value-added tax (VAT) is a consumption tax on goods and services that is levied at each stage of the supply chain where value is added, from initial production to the point of sale. The amount of VAT the user pays is based on the cost of the product minus any costs of materials in the product that have already been taxed at a previous stage.

VAT is based on consumption rather than income. In contrast to a progressive income tax, which levies more taxes on the wealthy, VAT is charged equally on every purchase. More than 160 countries use a VAT system. It is most commonly found in the European Union (EU). Nevertheless, it is not without controversy.1

Advocates say VAT raises government revenues without charging wealthy taxpayers more, as income taxes do. It also is considered simpler and more standardized than a traditional sales tax, with fewer compliance issues.

Critics argue that VAT is essentially a regressive tax that places an undue economic burden on lower-income consumers while increasing the bureaucratic burden on businesses. Both critics and proponents of VAT generally argue it being an alternative to income tax. That is not necessarily the case because many countries have both an income tax and a VAT.23

VAT is levied on the gross margin at each point in the process of manufacturing, distributing, and selling an item. The tax is assessed and collected at each stage. That is different from a sales tax system, in which the tax is assessed and paid only by the consumer at the very end of the supply chain.1

Say, for example, a candy called Dulce is manufactured and sold in the imaginary country of Alexia. Alexia has a 10% VAT. 

Can you claim VAT in Sweden?

Om du vill hitta information om din egna fastighet kan du logga in på ”Min sida” på Lantmäteriet.se och ta del av informationen gratis.

Om du vill se information om någon annans fastighet kan du beställa information ur fastighetsregistret. Det är kostnadsfritt och informationen innehåller information om vem som äger fastigheten, eventuella inteckningar, taxeringsuppgifter samt uppgifter om eventuella gemensamhetsanläggningar och samfälligheter som är kopplade till fastigheten. Du kan även få uppgifter om eventuella avregistrerade fastigheter.

  • Byggnader (exempelvis ett hus) och ledningar är exempel på fastighetstillbehör.
  • Spis, vitvaror och fast inredning (exempelvis hatthylla) är exempel på byggnadstillbehör.

Fastighetstillbehör och bostadstillbehör ingår i köpet när man köper en fastighet (om inget annat har avtalats).

Läs vår artikel om: Vad som ingår när man köper en fastighet. Där listar vi vad som räknas och vad som inte räknas som tillbehör till fastigheten.

What is the tax exemption in Sweden?

Foreign experts and key personnel employed by a Swedish company or a non-Swedish company with a PE in Sweden may apply for  'expert tax relief'. The employment and stay in Sweden must be limited in time, and the employee must be a non-Swedish national and must not have been a Swedish tax resident at any point during the five calendar years prior to the year the employment in Sweden starts.

Under an alternative rule, the expert tax relief will be granted if the recurring income paid on a monthly basis exceeds two times the Swedish price base amount for the year the job in Sweden starts. For 2023, this corresponds to a monthly income exceeding SEK 105,001.

To qualify, the employee must apply for a ruling from the Taxation of Research Workers Board (Forskarskattenämnden). The application must be filed within three months of the day the employee started working in Sweden.

What items are included in VAT?

VAT is a form of consumption tax – a tax applied to purchases of goods or services and other ‘taxable supplies’. For a business, VAT plays an important role and can be charged on a range of your goods and services. Charities will have different rules governing their VAT. But for many businesses, areas that are taxable include:

  • sales of your goods and/or services

  • the hire or loan of your goods

  • commission

  • exchanges

  • staff sales, e.g. staff meals

  • business goods you use personally

  • the sale of business assets

VAT is a tax which is ultimately paid by the consumer, and is not a tax on individual businesses. VAT is typically included on business invoices. POS systems can also be programmed to add VAT to product prices and aggregate VAT.

If your business turnover is more than £85,000, this is the threshold at which you are legally required to register for VAT. This will require you to charge VAT on all services or goods offered by your business. Note that you can only charge VAT if you are registered to do so. Businesses must register for VAT whether they are incorporated or are sole traders, whether they pay corporation tax or not.

Businesses with revenue below this threshold may also benefit from registering for VAT. VAT registration allows businesses to reclaim VAT on goods and services purchased by your business. It can also make your small businesses appear more established.

What does exclusive of VAT mean?

What does 'vat exclusive product' mean? A vat exclusive product also known as a zero rated product is a product sold on your website that does not attract VAT. Most goods and services attract VAT at 20% (if you are VAT registered) but some products, like children's clothes, do not.

What does including VAT mean?

Like we mentioned before, VAT Inclusive means, the price including the value of the tax of the product/service. Some jurisdictions mandate the display of the price of goods or services inclusive of VAT.

What is the meaning of VAT inclusive?

When you see ‘VAT Included’ written on the price of a product or service, it simply means that the cost of the product or service includes the value-added tax. The value-added tax for each stage of production and distribution is included in the final price of the product/service.

What is VAT and how does it work?

VAT meaning – a type of tax, on the goods or services, which is collected on any value added during the production and the final stage. With additional value which is created during the production process, Value-Added Tax appears and is applied to most of the sales of goods and services. What does VAT stand for?

What does exclusive of VAT mean?

  • What does 'vat exclusive product' mean? A vat exclusive product also known as a zero rated product is a product sold on your website that does not attract VAT. Most goods and services attract VAT at 20% (if you are VAT registered) but some products, like children's clothes, do not.

What does including VAT mean?

  • Like we mentioned before, VAT Inclusive means, the price including the value of the tax of the product/service. Some jurisdictions mandate the display of the price of goods or services inclusive of VAT.

What is the meaning of VAT inclusive?

  • When you see ‘VAT Included’ written on the price of a product or service, it simply means that the cost of the product or service includes the value-added tax. The value-added tax for each stage of production and distribution is included in the final price of the product/service.

What is VAT and how does it work?

  • VAT meaning – a type of tax, on the goods or services, which is collected on any value added during the production and the final stage. With additional value which is created during the production process, Value-Added Tax appears and is applied to most of the sales of goods and services. What does VAT stand for?