
Får man betalt för att vara blodgivare?


  1. Får man betalt för att vara blodgivare?
  2. Hur mycket får man för att lämna blod?
  3. Hur mycket pengar får man för att donera plasma?
  4. Vilken blodgrupp är det brist på?
  5. Får man pengar för blod?
  6. Kan man bli trött efter blodgivning?
  7. Kan man sälja sitt blod?
  8. Har man rätt att lämna blod på arbetstid?
  9. Hur många gånger får man donera blod?
  10. Kan man donera blod till sig själv?
  11. Vilken blodgrupp gillar inte fästingar?
  12. Vilken blodgrupp ger störst risk för stroke?
  13. Kan jag sälja mitt blod?
  14. Hur mycket kostar en påse blod?
  15. Hur många kalorier bränner man när man ger blod?

Får man betalt för att vara blodgivare?

Det här krävs för att få bli blodgivare:

  • Du ska vanligtvis vara mellan 18 och 60 år gammal. Men åldersgränserna kan variera mellan olika regioner. 
  • Du ska vara frisk.
  • Du ska väga över 50 kilo.

Det här krävs för att få bli blodgivare:

  • Du ska vanligtvis vara mellan 18 och 60 år gammal. Men åldersgränserna kan variera mellan olika regioner. 
  • Du ska vara frisk.
  • Du ska väga över 50 kilo.

Blodcentralen kontrollerar även att ditt blodvärde är tillräckligt högt. Värdet brukar kallas för Hb och tillsammans med en siffra står det för hur mycket hemoglobin du har i blodet. Värdet för att ge blod är olika för män och kvinnor:

Hur mycket får man för att lämna blod?

__atuvc www.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs www.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc blekinge.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs blekinge.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc dalarna.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs dalarna.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc eskilstuna.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs eskilstuna.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc gotland.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs gotland.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc gavleborg.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs gavleborg.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc goteborg.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs goteborg.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc helsingborg.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs helsingborg.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc jonkoping.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs jonkoping.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc kalmar.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs kalmar.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc kristianstad.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs kristianstad.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc kronoberg.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs kronoberg.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc linkoping.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs linkoping.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc lulea.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs lulea.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc malmo.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs malmo.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc norrkoping.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs norrkoping.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc nykoping.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs nykoping.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc pitea.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs pitea.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc regnbagen.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs regnbagen.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc roslagen.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs roslagen.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc sjuharad.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs sjuharad.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc skaraborg.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs skaraborg.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc skelleftea.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs skelleftea.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc sodertalje.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs sodertalje.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc umea.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs umea.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc uppsala.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs uppsala.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc varmland.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs varmland.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc vasternorrland.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs vasternorrland.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc vastmanland.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs vastmanland.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc orebro.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs orebro.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc ostersund.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs ostersund.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. __atuvc halsingland.rfsl.se 1 year 1 month This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. __atuvs halsingland.rfsl.se 30 minutes This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service.

Hur mycket pengar får man för att donera plasma?

  • Vara fysiskt och psykiskt frisk
  • Inte ha kända ärftliga sjukdomar
  • Inte ha något tidigare eller nuvarande missbruk
  • Vara minst 23 år och yngre än 46 år
  • Vara rökfri
  • Ha sädesceller som uppfyller kraven för nedfrysning
  • Vara fysiskt och psykiskt frisk
  • Inte ha kända ärftliga sjukdomar
  • Inte ha något tidigare eller nuvarande missbruk
  • Vara minst 23 år och yngre än 36 år
  • Vara rök- och snusfri
  • Ha ett BMI (Body Mass Index) på högst 30

Vilken blodgrupp är det brist på?

– Akutverksamhet och svårt sjuka patienter kommer att prioriteras. Operationerna som ställs in gäller relativt friska människor som behöver opereras förr eller senare, men just nu är det inte läge, säger Anna-Karin Norrman, avdelningschef på transfusionsmedicin.

Traditionellt ger färre blod under somrarna, inte minst eftersom det efter många utlandsresor råder karens på en månad under vilken man inte får lämna blod. Men i år har åtgången varit större än vanligt och läget beskrivs som kritiskt.

Får man pengar för blod?

Det här krävs för att få bli blodgivare:

  • Du ska vanligtvis vara mellan 18 och 60 år gammal. Men åldersgränserna kan variera mellan olika regioner. 
  • Du ska vara frisk.
  • Du ska väga över 50 kilo.

Det här krävs för att få bli blodgivare:

  • Du ska vanligtvis vara mellan 18 och 60 år gammal. Men åldersgränserna kan variera mellan olika regioner. 
  • Du ska vara frisk.
  • Du ska väga över 50 kilo.

Blodcentralen kontrollerar även att ditt blodvärde är tillräckligt högt. Värdet brukar kallas för Hb och tillsammans med en siffra står det för hur mycket hemoglobin du har i blodet. Värdet för att ge blod är olika för män och kvinnor:

Kan man bli trött efter blodgivning?

När du donerar blod blir du av med tre saker:

En vuxen person har ungefär 4,5 liter blod i omlopp och när man donerar blod blir man av med en tiondel av den mängden. Omedelbart efter donationsproceduren börjar kroppen arbeta på att återställa den förlorade blodmängden. Det som återställs snabbast är plasmavolymen. Blodplasman har återbildats redan inom ett dygn. Nivåerna av blodplättar har återgått till normala nivåer inom 72 timmar. Det som tar längst tid är nybildningen av röda blodkroppar. Det kan ta sex veckor eller längre innan man är tillbaka på samma nivå som innan bloddonationen.

Tråkigt nog för konditionsidrottare så är det alltså syretransportörerna som återbildas långsammast. Det innebär att aktiviteter som är beroende av en god syretillförsel för maximal prestation kan bli lidande under en ganska lång tid. Lyckligtvis för dig som främst styrketränar, är den träningsformen inte en aerob, syrekrävande aktivitet, utan en anaerob.

Ett stort antal studier har undersökt effekten av att donera blod på prestationsförmågan i uthållighetsgrenar. De flesta, men inte alla, rapporterar att kapaciteten att prestera maximalt kommer att vara försämrad till dess nivåerna av röda blodkroppar har återgått till det normala.

De som framförallt blir lidande av detta är uthållighetsidrottare på hög nivå. Tränar man på motionsnivå eller använder konditionsträning som komplement till styrketräning, kanske ger sig ut och joggar ett par gånger i veckan, är det inte säkert att man kommer att märka något speciellt alls mer än någon dag eller två efter blodgivningen.

En studie (1) fann att den maximala syreupptagningsförmågan var nedsatt i upp till tre veckor efter blodgivning hos vardagsmotionärer. En annan studie (2) visade att prestationsförmågan hos unga, fysiskt aktiva män var återställd redan efter två veckor.

Kan man sälja sitt blod?

  • Vara fysiskt och psykiskt frisk
  • Inte ha kända ärftliga sjukdomar
  • Inte ha något tidigare eller nuvarande missbruk
  • Vara minst 23 år och yngre än 46 år
  • Vara rökfri
  • Ha sädesceller som uppfyller kraven för nedfrysning
  • Vara fysiskt och psykiskt frisk
  • Inte ha kända ärftliga sjukdomar
  • Inte ha något tidigare eller nuvarande missbruk
  • Vara minst 23 år och yngre än 36 år
  • Vara rök- och snusfri
  • Ha ett BMI (Body Mass Index) på högst 30

Har man rätt att lämna blod på arbetstid?

Om du är kvinna måste ditt blodvärde (Hb) vara minst 125 g/L. För män gäller 135 g/L. Ditt blodvärde kontrolleras vid varje blodgivning.

Genom att ge blod bidrar du till att rädda liv. Blod behövs till exempel vid cancerbehandlingar, förlossningar, operationer och olyckor. Blod kan inte tillverkas på konstgjord väg, utan bara ges, från människa till människa.

Du kan anmäla dig här på Geblod.nu eller kontakta blodcentralen direkt.

Kallelsen till första blodgivningen är en bekräftelse på att allt är bra. Du blir troligen kallad efter 2–6 veckor. Om du är registrerad på en blodbuss dröjer kallelsen till nästa gång bussen är på plats igen. Vill du ge blod tidigare är du välkommen till en fast blodcentral.

Ja, blodbussen fungerar precis som en fast lokal för blodgivning.

Hur många gånger får man donera blod?

Socialstyrelsen har genomfört en översyn av myndighetens föreskrifter (SOSFS 2009:28) om blodverksamhet. Ändringarna gäller från och med den 1 maj 2021.

Länderna inom EU har enats om vilka regler som ska gälla för blodgivare inom unionen. Medlemsstaterna är skyldiga att införa dessa regler nationellt och har utöver det möjlighet att ställa högre krav så länge grundkraven från EU är uppfyllda. I Sverige är dessa regler genomförda genom blodsäkerhetslagen. Socialstyrelsen är den myndighet som ansvarar för de regler som gäller för blod och blodkomponenter avsedda för transfusion, medan Läkemedelsverket fastställer reglerna för blodplasma som används vid framställning av läkemedel.

Kan man donera blod till sig själv?

Det här krävs för att få bli blodgivare:

  • Du ska vanligtvis vara mellan 18 och 60 år gammal. Men åldersgränserna kan variera mellan olika regioner. 
  • Du ska vara frisk.
  • Du ska väga över 50 kilo.

Det här krävs för att få bli blodgivare:

  • Du ska vanligtvis vara mellan 18 och 60 år gammal. Men åldersgränserna kan variera mellan olika regioner. 
  • Du ska vara frisk.
  • Du ska väga över 50 kilo.

Blodcentralen kontrollerar även att ditt blodvärde är tillräckligt högt. Värdet brukar kallas för Hb och tillsammans med en siffra står det för hur mycket hemoglobin du har i blodet. Värdet för att ge blod är olika för män och kvinnor:

Vilken blodgrupp gillar inte fästingar?

Det är klarlagt att fästingar anser vissa människor mer attraktiva än andra, men varför det är så vet man ännu inte. Däremot finns det mer eller mindre starka teorier.

Forskarvärlden verkar bland annat vara överens om att fästingarna reagerar starkt på kroppsvärme, ammoniak och koldioxid.

Julia Stigenberg, biolog vid Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, har tidigare sagt till Sveriges radio att en del människor kanske utstrålar mer av det här.

Det finns teorier om att örter och kryddor skulle ha en skyddande effekt mot fästingar. Så det kanske i alla fall är värt ett försök att krydda maten lite extra under fästingsäsongen?

Det finns också en teori om att b-vitamin skulle kunna skydda. Det finns b-vitamin i nästan alla typer av livsmedel.

– Vitlök hjälper också till viss del, har Julia Stigenberg sagt till Sveriges radio.

Vilken blodgrupp ger störst risk för stroke?

Vilken blodgrupp du har kan påverka hur hög risken är att du drabbas av en stroke, visar ny forskning.

Har du blodgrupp 0? I så fall kan du skatta dig lycklig. Personer med denna blodgrupp har nämligen en lägre risk att drabbas av hjärtinfarkt och stroke än personer med andra blodgrupper, visar ny forskning från det medicinska universitetet UMCG i Groningen, Nederländerna. Forskningen bygger på uppgifter från 1,3 miljoner personer.

Kan jag sälja mitt blod?

Det kostar i Sverige också, men kostnaden täcks av staten, genom skatten.

Anledningen att man inte kan tjäna så mycket pengar på något av dessa är väl att man inte ska göra det av fel anledning. T ex donera blod ofta om man inte tål att göra det, eller tvingas donera om man inte vill, för att överleva ekonomiskt. Vid spermiedonation finns det väl en gräns att samma donator inte används för mer än ca 20 barn? Så man inte får hundratals halvsyskon som inte känner till varandras existens.

Hur mycket kostar en påse blod?

Varje blodpåse identifieras med hjälp av ett etikett- och kodsystem. Systemet garanterar både givarens och mottagarens anonymitet. Kodsystemet följer blodet från tappning till färdig komponent. Informationen lagras i blodcentralens databas och på så sätt kan det inte ske någon förväxling.

Hur många kalorier bränner man när man ger blod?

We process your data to deliver content or advertisements and measure the delivery of such content or advertisements to extract insights about our website. We share this information with our partners on the basis of consent and legitimate interest. You may exercise your right to consent or object to a legitimate interest, based on a specific purpose below or at a partner level in the link under each purpose. These choices will be signaled to our vendors participating in the Transparency and Consent Framework. More information

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