
Can a foreigner start a business in Sweden?


  1. Can a foreigner start a business in Sweden?
  2. How much does it cost to start a business in Sweden?
  3. Is Sweden a good place to start a business?
  4. What is the most profitable business in Sweden?
  5. Can a non EU citizen start a business in Sweden?
  6. Which country is the easiest to start a business?
  7. How much tax do businesses pay in Sweden?
  8. What are the risks of doing business in Sweden?
  9. Which job makes the most money in Sweden?
  10. What is the business tax in Sweden?
  11. Which EU country is the easiest to start a business?
  12. Which European country is best for business?
  13. Can a foreign citizen start a business in Sweden?
  14. Where can I learn entrepreneurship in Sweden?
  15. How can a student develop a business idea in Sweden?
  16. Can a foreign citizen start a business in Sweden?
  17. Where can I learn entrepreneurship in Sweden?
  18. How can a student develop a business idea in Sweden?
  19. How do I start a business as a sole trader?

Can a foreigner start a business in Sweden?

Swedish business procedures are simple and efficient, built on a transparent system that welcomes new business enterprises. Business Sweden has a wide selection of establishment guides for international business owners who plan to set up and run a company in Sweden. 

Here are a few advantages of the Swedish business framework:

How much does it cost to start a business in Sweden?

Sweden is fortunate to have rules and regulations that are favorable for conducting business operations. It is notable for being among the business-friendliest nations in Europe. That is why it is quite simple to incorporate a new business in Sweden.

A business owner often has to incur various amounts of cost to start a business in Sweden. This section of the article will briefly discuss the various cost for starting a business in Sweden as a foreigner. The first year’s establishment fees for Sweden LLC are 5900 euros, and the second year’s and subsequent years’ yearly business expenses are 4400 euros. The average engagement cost will be $14,122, which takes into consideration all governmental charges, business establishment costs, bank account creation costs, VAT and tax file costs, and more.

The various cost for starting a business in Sweden is influenced by the following factors:

  • The required amount of capital to form a private limited liability firm is SEK50,000. However, the required amount of capital to form a public limited liability firm is SEK500,000. 
  • A limited liability corporation must have a basic share capital of SEK 25,000 to be formed. To open a branch, no share capital is needed.

Is Sweden a good place to start a business?

The climate

Sweden does have a moderate climate, with average temperatures in the summer ranging from 20-25C and in the winter, between -7 and 2C. In the peak of winter, the country often experiences around just six hours of daylight per day. 

What is the most profitable business in Sweden?

Here in This Post, We Have Listed All the High Profitable and Future Proof Small Business Ideas and You Can Start Them as Full Time or Part Time Career Options.

Can a non EU citizen start a business in Sweden?

Opening a company, no matter the country an investor decides on, first implies a market analysis based on the industry the business will operate in. Sweden offers numerous business opportunities and setting up an enterprise implies an easy procedure.

There are a few steps to consider before to start the proecedure to open a company in Sweden, and among these we present a few of them:

  • study the Company Law in order to choose the right legal structure;
  • There are several legal entities the Company Law provides for and that can be used for small, medium, and large-sized operations in Sweden.

    Here are the main types of business forms one can use to open a company in Sweden:

    • the sole proprietorship which is designed for those interested in operating as single entrepreneurs;
    • the partnership which can be general or limited and which is suitable for at least two persons or companies interested in working together;
    • the limited liability company which can be private or public and can be employed for most of the activities in this country;
    • the branch office and the subsidiary can usually be used by foreign companies seeking to expand their operations in Sweden.

    A sole trader (enskild näringsidkare) is the type of business where you are the only shareholder and all the administrative tasks come in your responsibility. This is the simplest type of legal person to open, especially if you have a personal identity number or co-ordination number in this country. As a sole proprietor, your business will be identified by a personal identity number you will get by the Swedish Tax Agency. If you want to start a business in Sweden as a sole properitorship, you will also need a residence permit.

    When you want to protect the name of your business or you want to make public procurements or when you need to develop certain activities, you must register your company with the Swedish competent authority (Bolagsverket). In any way, you must also register with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).

    For this type of business there are several taxes which must be paid: social security tax, municipal tax, national income tax and taxes on profits. In Sweden you are entitled to deduct a standard allowance up to 25% for social security contributions.

    Which country is the easiest to start a business?

    The study kicked off with a look at the overall easiest countries in which to start a business according to the World Bank’s meta score. This gives each country a score between 0 and 100 that averages 41 different regulatory indicators together, such as time and capital requirements and number of procedures. We then selected just one factor – the average number of days to start a business – and compared it against this overall World Bank Score. 

    How much tax do businesses pay in Sweden?

    The value added tax (mervärdesskatt or moms) rate in Sweden is 25%, with exceptions for food and services like hotel room rental fees (12%), and for sales of publications, admission tickets to cultural events and travel within Sweden (6%).[3]

    Sweden has a progressive income tax, the rates for 2021 are as follows (based on yearly incomes):

    Taxable income is reduced by general deductions which means that the marginal tax in practice varies between 7% on incomes just above 20,008 kronor to 60.1% on incomes above 675,700 kronor.[4] For an average salary, on an additional pay of 100 kronor, the employee first pays 32 kronor in income tax (direct, 32%).

    What are the risks of doing business in Sweden?

    Ease of Doing Business in Sweden Summary of comprehensive annual data collated by the World Bank giving key indicators for business and economic conditions. Includes information on typical business procedures, showing time to complete and associated costs for each step.

    Sweden: providing services and travelling for business from 1 January 2021 Department for International Trade Guidance aimed at UK businesses on rules for trading in services with this jurisdiction after the Brexit transition period. It covers trade regulations, ownership of companies, business travel and entry requirements, recognition of professional qualifications, and GDPR.

    Sweden company registration Comprehensive guide produced by Healy Consultants explaining company structures and business entity types, fees and timelines for incorporation, accounting and tax in this jurisdiction and comparisons with other countries in the region.

    Overseas Business Risk - Sweden Report from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office looking at potential risks for UK businesses operating in this country. It includes economic and political risks, human rights issues, bribery and corruption, terrorism, intellectual property and organised crime.

    Which job makes the most money in Sweden?

    Sweden has some of the most fantastic perks for professionals, including quality education, affordable healthcare, and substantial vacation time. It is a social welfare paradise with good living standards. 

    While the country has the highest tax rates in the world, it also provides some of the most outstanding and profitable professional opportunities. So, read this blog to learn about the highest-paying jobs in Sweden. 

    • Surgeons/Doctors are the highest-paid professionals in Sweden, and for a good reason. Working as a surgeon entails a high level of danger and a great deal of responsibility for the lives of others. To be a successful surgeon, one needs to possess a diverse set of skills as well as considerable education and certifications. 
    • These doctors and surgeons work long shifts and are regularly faced with life-or-death circumstances. Due to the challenging nature of the work, this profession pays up to 255,000 SEK per year. 
    • The average salary per month can be around 168,000 SEK (#14,500/ $19,900).
    • This is among the most in-demand jobs in Sweden. With incomes as high as 214,000 SEK, this is one of the greatest careers and the second most profitable professions in Sweden. 
    • Besides years of education and training, this rigorous career entails a range of critical activities that warrant high pay. 
    • Essentially, judges decide on people’s destinies. In Sweden, acting as an arbitrator between the prosecuting and defense parties, training the jury, listening to and interrogating witnesses, and eventually judging the guilt or innocence of defendants is a difficult but lucrative profession. 
    • The average salary per month for a judge in Sweden can be around 141,000 SEK (#12,200/ $16,700).

    What is the business tax in Sweden?

    Inventories (stock-in-trade) are valued at acquisition cost or market value, whichever is lower. As an alternative, inventories may be valued at 97% of the total acquisition cost, which is determined on a first in first out (FIFO) basis. The last in first out (LIFO) method is not permitted. Generally, inventories should be stated at the same amount for tax and accounting purposes.

    There is a capital gains tax exemption for Swedish corporate entities on gains related to the disposal of shares held for business reasons.

    Shares in Swedish corporations can qualify as shares held for business reasons. Unquoted/unlisted shares will always be considered as held for business reasons. Quoted/listed shares are considered held for business reasons if the company has a holding corresponding to at least 10% of the voting rights or the shares are held in the course of the business. An additional condition regarding quoted/listed shares is that the shares must be held for a period of at least one year. Under certain conditions, tax exemption also applies to shares in foreign companies.

    Note that non-tax-exempt capital gains are included in business income and taxed at the corporate tax rate of 20.6% (see State [national] income tax in the Taxes on corporate income section).

    Which EU country is the easiest to start a business?

    The 2020 edition of the report in which EuCham ranks and analyzes 46 European countries according to their economic environment. The ranking is the result of an analysis based on internationally recognized indexes of the World Bank and Transparency International. EuCham thinks that business integrity and transparency play strategic roles.

    Nordic countries are still on the top of the list: Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, followed by Switzerland, UK and Germany. Estonia, Lithuania and Georgia are outstanding exceptions among the post-Soviet countries. The report reveals also that the highest level of improvement is shown by Armenia.

    Which European country is best for business?

    The fact that Germany is the largest economy in Europe and the fourth largest in the world says it all.  With a population of 82.3 million people, it also happens to be the largest consumer market in the EEA. The volume of trade, number of consumers, and Germany’s geographic location at the centre of the EU make it the starting point of European expansion for many companies.

    It is a true global leader in the fastest growing industries too. Such as automotive, financial services, pharmaceuticals and technology. One of the biggest selling points of Germany is that it has a huge highly-skilled labour force. Considering good education and strong training, Germans are some of the highest-skilled workers in the world.

    Can a foreign citizen start a business in Sweden?

    If you are a foreign citizen and want to start your own business in Sweden, the rules that apply vary depending on whether you are an EU/EEA citizen or a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country. Welcome to join the Swedish Tax Agency's webinars about starting a business in Sweden.

    Where can I learn entrepreneurship in Sweden?

    Yet, in order to understand Swedish rules and processes, I joined an entrepreneurship course at my university in Sweden. Every Swedish university has a branch of the organisation Drivhuset which supports students with the development of their business ideas. If you are a student in Sweden, check out what your local Drivhuset can offer you.

    How can a student develop a business idea in Sweden?

    Every Swedish university has a branch of the organisation Drivhuset which supports students with the development of their business ideas. If you are a student in Sweden, check out what your local Drivhuset can offer you. Another important aspect is the understanding of the Swedish language.

    Can a foreign citizen start a business in Sweden?

    • If you are a foreign citizen and want to start your own business in Sweden, the rules that apply vary depending on whether you are an EU/EEA citizen or a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country. Welcome to join the Swedish Tax Agency's webinars about starting a business in Sweden.

    Where can I learn entrepreneurship in Sweden?

    • Yet, in order to understand Swedish rules and processes, I joined an entrepreneurship course at my university in Sweden. Every Swedish university has a branch of the organisation Drivhuset which supports students with the development of their business ideas. If you are a student in Sweden, check out what your local Drivhuset can offer you.

    How can a student develop a business idea in Sweden?

    • Every Swedish university has a branch of the organisation Drivhuset which supports students with the development of their business ideas. If you are a student in Sweden, check out what your local Drivhuset can offer you. Another important aspect is the understanding of the Swedish language.

    How do I start a business as a sole trader?

    • The key step in starting as a sole trader is registering for F-skatt – ‘F tax’ (the ‘F’ stands for företagare – entrepreneur). F-skatt basically means that you undertake work as an entrepreneur and not as an employee, so those contracting you don’t administer your tax or social security payments – that responsibility is yours.