
How do I get a personal number in Sweden?


  1. How do I get a personal number in Sweden?
  2. What is the 12 digit personal number in Sweden?
  3. What is the difference between coordination number and personal number in Sweden?
  4. How many days it will take to get personal number in Sweden?
  5. Can I buy a car in Sweden without personal number?
  6. Can you work in Sweden without personal number?
  7. How many digits is a personal number?
  8. What can I do with a Swedish personal number?
  9. What documents are required for person number in Sweden?
  10. Can I work in Sweden without a personal number?
  11. Can I rent an apartment in Sweden without Personnummer?
  12. What are the benefits of Swedish personal number?
  13. What is my 4 digit personal identification number?
  14. What is the meaning of personal number?
  15. Can you open a bank account in Sweden without personnummer?
  16. What is a Swedish personal identity number?
  17. How do I get a person number in Sweden?
  18. Why does Sweden have a person number system?
  19. Do students need a Swedish ID number?
  20. Do I need a Swedish personal number?
  21. Why do Swedes have a personal identity number?
  22. How do I find out if I am registered in Sweden?
  23. What is a personal identity number & how does it work?

How do I get a personal number in Sweden?

If you are staying in Sweden for longer than one year you will have to register for residency in Sweden. Then you will automatically get a Swedish identity number (personnummer) that will make your everyday life in Sweden easier.

If you are admitted to a study programme that will last longer than 12 months, you are usually required to be listed in the Swedish Population Register at the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). This means that you will be registered as a resident in Sweden and you will be able to get home insurance and get into the Swedish Health care system among many other things.

What is the 12 digit personal number in Sweden?

If you do not already have a Swedish personal identity number, the university will assign you a T-number so you can register for courses. Exchange students get a T-number from their host department and international students can see their T-number at www.universityadmissions.se on their notification of selection results. 

The T-number can only be used at Stockholm University. If you are studying in Sweden for longer than one year, apply for a Swedish personal identity number.

What is the difference between coordination number and personal number in Sweden?

In order for Mid Sweden University to be able to pay salaries, a coordination number or Swedish personal identity number is needed. When a work permit or residence permit has been approved, it is possible to apply for a coordination number. It can sometimes take a long time – up to eight weeks – for the Swedish Tax Agency to process these applications. In order to ensure that new employees can receive their salary on time, it is important to apply for preliminary A-tax or special income tax for non-residents and a coordination number in good time, preferably two months before arriving in Sweden.

If a residence permit applies for longer than one year, the holder is entitled to national registration. Everyone recorded in the Swedish national register receives a Swedish personal identity number. National registration is done by personally visiting the Swedish Tax Agency as soon as possible after moving to Sweden. A passport and residence permit decision must be brought along on the visit.

How many days it will take to get personal number in Sweden?

So you’ve either relocated to Sweden or you’re about to. By now you’ve probably realized that until you obtain your Swedish Personal Number or “personnummer” you’re incredibly limited in what you are allowed to do in Sweden.

What is a personnummer? The Swedish personnummer is a unique identification number that is based on your date of birth and remains the same for your entire life. This number allows you to become part of the Swedish system and is used as your personal identification when making large purchases and signing contracts.

Can I buy a car in Sweden without personal number?

The origin of all cars and vehicles brought into Sweden for use in Sweden must be be verified before they can be registered. You apply to the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) for verification of the origin of your car.

Once the origin has been verified, you must contact the car inspection service, Svensk Bilprovning, for a registration inspection.

The Swedish Transport Agency has drawn up a checklist for the import of vehicles, from start to finish. The checklist describes what you need to do, and in what order, from the time you arrive at the Swedish border until all the formalities are completed and the car is ready to drive. The list provides information on customs, tax, traffic insurance, verification of origin, registration inspection, and registration number.

Can you work in Sweden without personal number?

As an EU citizen with a residence permit but without a personal identity number, you are eligible for the programme Swedish for Immigrants, SFI. This right is expressed in the Swedish Education Act (Skollagen [2010:800] 13 § chapter 22 and 2 § chapter 29.) For enrolment in the programme, please contact your municipality.

All children residing in Sweden are entitled to full-time education. When in contact with your municipality, if necessary, you can refer to the Swedish Education Act, which states that not only a child who has a personal identity number is entitled to education. A child who resides in Sweden is entitled to education in accordance with the EU law on free movement of persons, (Skollagen [2010:800] 2 and 3 §§ chapter 7 and 2 § point 3 of chapter 29).

How many digits is a personal number?

A personal identification number (PIN) is a numerical code used in many electronic financial transactions. Personal identification numbers are usually issued in association with payment cards and may be required to complete a transaction. The purpose of a personal identification number (PIN) is to add additional security to the electronic transaction process.

Personal identification numbers provide additional security on an account and are most commonly used with debit cards linked to a person’s bank account. When a person is issued a debit card, they are required to choose a unique personal identification number (PIN) that they will need to enter every time they wish to withdraw money from an ATM and oftentimes when they make payments at various merchant stores.

As PINs are like passwords, they are also used in many other instances, such as home security and mobile phones. A PIN is basically any numerical method used to verify an individual's identity.

The IRS often requires an identify protection PIN when filing your electronic or paper tax return. This PIN is a six-digit number and can be obtained via the IRS website.1

Personal identification numbers (PINs) usually range from four to six digits and are generated by the issuing bank through a coding system that makes each PIN unique, or are chosen by the account holder themself. Typically, a PIN is issued to a cardholder by mail separately from the associated card or punched in at a local branch when opening an account in person.

When choosing a PIN, it is recommended to choose one that will be difficult to guess but also easy for the account holder to remember. Short, basic PINs are advised against, such as using "123" or numbers that would be easy to guess in instances of fraud; common information, such as an account holder's birthday, marriage anniversary, or Social Security Number. It is crucial that account-holders be cautious about sharing or disclosing their personal identification number to prevent unwanted access to their bank accounts.

What can I do with a Swedish personal number?

When it was introduced in 1947 it was probably the first of its kind covering the total resident population of a country (the Social Security number in the United States is older by 12 years, but it did not originally cover the whole population). Numbers are issued by the Swedish Tax Agency (Swedish: Skatteverket) as part of the population register (Swedish: Folkbokföring).[1] Until 1967, it had nine digits, and after that 10 digits. This was expanded to 12 digits in 1997 in cases of automated data treatment.[2][3]

The number is used by authorities, by health care, schools and universities (both public-run and private). Also used by banks (needing it by law for tax purposes and mandatory customer identification) and insurance companies (needing it for car liability insurance and for medical travel insurance coordination). Other companies often ask for it in return for a post-paid service, such as a telephone subscription, to be able to check e.g. the person's credit record or address or if needed to perform debt collection.

The link between a person and the identity number is established through the civil registry and through identity documents and secondarily through the widespread use of the number in various contacts with authorities, businesses etc. They are necessary for personal service at banks, authorities, health care and other services which use the personal identity number. Most people are familiar with their full number and those of their children without hesitation. Personal identity numbers of individuals are openly available from the Swedish tax authorities to anyone who asks (over phone, letter, over the desk, but not over the internet), according to the Swedish principle of freedom of information. Redistribution of these numbers using computers is, however, governed by the law of personal details, in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What documents are required for person number in Sweden?

If you do not already have a Swedish personal identity number, the university will assign you a T-number so you can register for courses. Exchange students get a T-number from their host department and international students can see their T-number at www.universityadmissions.se on their notification of selection results. 

The T-number can only be used at Stockholm University. If you are studying in Sweden for longer than one year, apply for a Swedish personal identity number.

Can I work in Sweden without a personal number?

For newcomers in Sweden, navigating the system without a personal number can be a challenging experience. (Photo: Dan Gribbin/Unsplash)

Living without a personal number (personnummer) in Sweden can be challenging, if not impossible. Personal numbers are what link people to government authorities and resources, and when people are ineligible for one, or unable to obtain one, life in Sweden can get a bit complicated.

Can I rent an apartment in Sweden without Personnummer?

Securing accommodation in Sweden can be one of the most difficult, and priciest, parts of an expat’s relocation to this Scandinavian country. It is important that newcomers give themselves enough time to look for accommodation, especially if moving to a larger city such as Stockholm, which has a severe housing shortage.

What are the benefits of Swedish personal number?

You use your personal identity number when you communicate with government authorities and private companies, as this number is your identifier in Sweden.

The Swedish Tax Agency has a government mandate to provide current and correct information about the people who live in Sweden so that other authorities have the information they need for planning and decision-making. This is done through the Population Register providing information about you to other authorities. They receive correct information about you when changes are made in the Population Register − for example, if you report a change of address. Private companies can have their customer registers updated via the Swedish personal address register (SPAR).

What is my 4 digit personal identification number?

The PIN originated with the introduction of the automated teller machine (ATM) in 1967, as an efficient way for banks to dispense cash to their customers. The first ATM system was that of Barclays in London, in 1967; it accepted cheques with machine-readable encoding, rather than cards, and matched the PIN to the cheque.[5][6][7] 1972, Lloyds Bank issued the first bank card to feature an information-encoding magnetic strip, using a PIN for security.[8] James Goodfellow, the inventor who patented the first personal identification number, was awarded an OBE in the 2006 Queen's Birthday Honours.[9][10]

Mohamed M. Atalla invented the first PIN-based hardware security module (HSM),[11] dubbed the "Atalla Box," a security system that encrypted PIN and ATM messages and protected offline devices with an un-guessable PIN-generating key.[12] In 1972, Atalla filed U.S. Patent 3,938,091 for his PIN verification system, which included an encoded card reader and described a system that utilized encryption techniques to assure telephone link security while entering personal ID information that was transmitted to a remote location for verification.[13]

He founded Atalla Corporation (now Utimaco Atalla) in 1972,[14] and commercially launched the "Atalla Box" in 1973.[12] The product was released as the Identikey. It was a card reader and customer identification system, providing a terminal with plastic card and PIN capabilities. The system was designed to let banks and thrift institutions switch to a plastic card environment from a passbook program. The Identikey system consisted of a card reader console, two customer PIN pads, intelligent controller and built-in electronic interface package.[15] The device consisted of two keypads, one for the customer and one for the teller. It allowed the customer to type in a secret code, which is transformed by the device, using a microprocessor, into another code for the teller.[16] During a transaction, the customer's account number was read by the card reader. This process replaced manual entry and avoided possible key stroke errors. It allowed users to replace traditional customer verification methods such as signature verification and test questions with a secure PIN system.[15] In recognition of his work on the PIN system of information security management, Atalla has been referred to as the "Father of the PIN".[17][18][19]

In the context of a financial transaction, usually both a private "PIN code" and public user identifier are required to authenticate a user to the system. In these situations, typically the user is required to provide a non-confidential user identifier or token (the user ID) and a confidential PIN to gain access to the system. Upon receiving the user ID and PIN, the system looks up the PIN based upon the user ID and compares the looked-up PIN with the received PIN. The user is granted access only when the number entered matches the number stored in the system. Hence, despite the name, a PIN does not personally identify the user.[24] The PIN is not printed or embedded on the card but is manually entered by the cardholder during automated teller machine (ATM) and point of sale (POS) transactions (such as those that comply with EMV), and in card not present transactions, such as over the Internet or for phone banking.

What is the meaning of personal number?

Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number means the 9-digit number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. (D&B) to identify unique business entities.

Winning Numbers means the game results selected during a Drawing which shall be used to determine winning Plays contained on game ticket or ticketless transaction.

Can you open a bank account in Sweden without personnummer?

Sweden is ranked as the 10th best country for doing business as per the World Bank. However, in order to conduct successful business in Sweden, individuals and entrepreneurs will have to open a bank account in Sweden in order to acquire financing at lower interest rates, manage business financial transactions, control their business expenses from their personal expenses, and so on.

The following are some justifications for opening a bank account in Sweden:

Opening a bank account in Sweden is a straightforward procedure as long as the prerequisites are fulfilled. To open a bank account in Sweden, you’ll need to present identification proof, which might include a passport or national identification card, as well as proof of your legal permission to live and operate in Sweden, which could include a visa or work permit. Having a visa or work permit in Sweden simplifies the procedure for establishing a bank account in Sweden.

Another approach of opening a business bank account in Sweden is to register a company there. The process of opening a bank account in Sweden is made easier by opening a business there. This is due to the fact that proving your residence in Sweden is one of the requirements you must meet. Businesses that are registered in Sweden already have a registered business address, which demonstrates that you have a good reason for obtaining a bank account there.

There are various kinds of bank accounts in Sweden, each with unique characteristics and advantages. 

The most popular forms of financial accounts in Sweden are listed below:

  • Savings account: Savings accounts are made to encourage storing cash through the payment of interest for deposits. This kind of bank account in Sweden frequently doesn’t have any charges or minimum investment criteria.
  • Current account: A current account is a type of bank account that lets you put in and take away cash, carry out transactions, and handle your everyday financial arrangements. The majority of current accounts in Sweden charge monthly or yearly charges, however, if specific requirements are fulfilled, some institutions may provide accounts without any costs. In Sweden, this sort of bank account frequently includes a debit card and Internet banking facilities.
  • Business accounts: Proprietors of small enterprises can use business accounts, which include services like electronic billing, payroll administration, and monitoring of the level of spending.

What is a Swedish personal identity number?

The formal definition of a Swedish personal identity number is in Folkbokföringslagen . People who have no Swedish personal identity number can receive a co-ordination number ( Swedish: samordningsnummer) instead. It is issued by the Tax Agency at the request of a public agency.

How do I get a person number in Sweden?

A personnummer or personal identity number is your identity in Sweden. You get it once your register at Skatteverket and add your name to the population register.

Why does Sweden have a person number system?

Since many Swedes have identical names, they can easily get confused with each other. This is why Sweden introduced the personnummer -system. Every Swede gets a personal identity number. Those numbers are issued by Skatteverket, the Swedish Tax Agency, as part of the population register.

Do students need a Swedish ID number?

Students who are staying in Sweden for more than a year must apply for an official Swedish personal identity number. All students who don’t already have a Swedish ID number are assigned a temporary number by the university.

Do I need a Swedish personal number?

  • In Sweden, your identity is your personal number. Without it, life in Sweden is not going to be easy! So, if you have recently moved to Sweden, make sure you get a Swedish personal number to make your day-to-day life hassle-free.

Why do Swedes have a personal identity number?

  • Swedes don’t have a large pool of last names or first names to choose from, for example many are called Johan Andersson or Anna Johnsson. Since many Swedes have identical names, they can easily get confused with each other. This is why Sweden introduced the personnummer -system. Every Swede gets a personal identity number.

How do I find out if I am registered in Sweden?

  • In Sweden, personal information is publicly accessible. If you can locate yourself on websites such as Ratsit, it indicates that you are registered in Sweden and your Swedish personal number has been processed. You will be registered as living in a building with an address from your application.

What is a personal identity number & how does it work?

  • A personal identity number functions like a central register: if the government checks it, they can see where you study, what your bank account is and how much taxes you have to pay if you have a job, for example.