
How much does it cost to open a company in Sweden?


  1. How much does it cost to open a company in Sweden?
  2. Is it easy to start a company in Sweden?
  3. How can I start my own company?
  4. How can a foreigner start a business in Sweden?
  5. Do companies pay tax in Sweden?
  6. How much tax do companies pay in Sweden?
  7. Can a foreigner register a company in Sweden?
  8. What is the most profitable business in Sweden?
  9. Can I start my company alone?
  10. Can I start a business with no money?
  11. Can a non EU citizen start a business in Sweden?
  12. What is the tax rate for small business in Sweden?
  13. Are Swedish taxes high or low?
  14. What is the 183 day rule in Sweden?
  15. Why is Sweden tax so high?

How much does it cost to open a company in Sweden?

  • When all the required documents are provided, it usually takes 10-15 days for the company to be registered. The processing times might change depending on the workload of the Business Register.
  • Share capital must not be payed in immediately, it has to be transferred to company’s bank account by the end of the first fiscal year.
  • Package includes contact person that is mandatory for all the companies in case none of the company’s board members has Swedish Personal Number.
  • Package includes legal address with postal service. Legal address is mandatory for every company in Sweden for as long as the company is registered. Service also includes postal service for receiving and forwarding the mail.
  • In order to start business in Sweden you have to apply for tax registrations. This package combines all the tax registrations you need – VAT payer registration, employers’registration and F-tax registration. Read about taxation legislation here.
  • We also offer comprehensive and automated accounting service. This package includes the starting fee for our accounting service. After this you will be charged depending on your exact transaction and work volumes, the minimum monthly fee is 750 SEK.

Is it easy to start a company in Sweden?

Everyone in Sweden, who has been registered in the Swedish population register, has been assigned a unique personal identity number. This indicates the person’s date of birth and other information.

If you are not or have not previously been registered in the Swedish population register, you can instead obtain a coordination number from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). The coordination number is a temporary personal identity number that you will need, for example, when you apply for F-tax registration.

Personal identity numbers and coordination numbers at the Swedish Tax Agency

How can I start my own company?

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En bostadshyresgäst kan få hyra ut sin lägenhet i andra hand, till exempel för arbete eller studier på annan ort eller vid särskilda familjeförhållanden.

How can a foreigner start a business in Sweden?

Before you decide to open a company in Sweden, there are several aspects to consider which can be revealed with the help of a market research. Then, you will need to select the right entity under which you will conduct your operations.

Here are the main types of legal forms you can register in Sweden:

  • the sole trader which is suitable for those interested in operating as single entrepreneurs;
  • the trading partnership which is a flexible non-corporate entity that can be established by at least 2 members;
  • the limited partnership which must also have at least 2 members with different degrees of responsibility towards the business;
  • the private limited liability company which by far the preferred legal entity created by local and foreign investors in Sweden;
  • the public limited liability company which is suitable for large projects;
  • the association that can be created for non-profit purposes.

A local or foreign investor who wants to start a business in Sweden must complete the same steps. These are:

  • draft the necessary documents in accordance with the selected business form;
  • Do companies pay tax in Sweden?

    Inventories (stock-in-trade) are valued at acquisition cost or market value, whichever is lower. As an alternative, inventories may be valued at 97% of the total acquisition cost, which is determined on a first in first out (FIFO) basis. The last in first out (LIFO) method is not permitted. Generally, inventories should be stated at the same amount for tax and accounting purposes.

    There is a capital gains tax exemption for Swedish corporate entities on gains related to the disposal of shares held for business reasons.

    Shares in Swedish corporations can qualify as shares held for business reasons. Unquoted/unlisted shares will always be considered as held for business reasons. Quoted/listed shares are considered held for business reasons if the company has a holding corresponding to at least 10% of the voting rights or the shares are held in the course of the business. An additional condition regarding quoted/listed shares is that the shares must be held for a period of at least one year. Under certain conditions, tax exemption also applies to shares in foreign companies.

    Note that non-tax-exempt capital gains are included in business income and taxed at the corporate tax rate of 20.6% (see State [national] income tax in the Taxes on corporate income section).

    How much tax do companies pay in Sweden?

    Resident legal entities are liable for tax on their worldwide income unless tax treaties or special exemptions apply. Non-resident entities are taxed on income that is deemed to have its source within Sweden.

    Taxable income is subject to corporate tax at a flat rate of 20.6% applying from 1 January 2021. Until 31 December 2020, the corporate tax rate was 21.4%.

    Can a foreigner register a company in Sweden?

    In Sweden’s online society, information is easy to come by, so there’s no excuse for not doing proper research before starting your business.

    Apart from this website, Statistics Sweden is a mine of information about Sweden and its demographics, covering everything from population and age to business sentiment and industrial capacity.

    In Sweden’s online society, information is easy to come by, so there’s no excuse for not doing proper research before starting your business.

    Apart from this website, Statistics Sweden is a mine of information about Sweden and its demographics, covering everything from population and age to business sentiment and industrial capacity.

    You can also check with the trade organisation (branschorganisation) covering the field of work you are aiming for. They can often provide information and statistics about the size and type of companies involved in that sector, as well as the regulations that apply and the general state of the market.

    What is the most profitable business in Sweden?

    If you want to incorporate a business in Sweden, you should be familiar with the numerous viable business available there. Down below we’ve listed our top picks for business ideas in Sweden to run and make a profitable business for a longer period.

    A real estate agency is one of the top business ideas in Sweden to start. A real estate agent is a company where you aid individuals in purchasing houses, land, and other real estate properties.

    Can I start my company alone?

    Many successful businesses started as one-person operations. Whether you expect to add employees in the future or plan to stay solo, these tips will help you run your one-person business properly.

    Choose the right form of business. A one-person business is usually treated as a sole proprietorship for legal and tax purposes. However, you can enjoy some legal and tax advantages by choosing a different form of business. Many entrepreneurs find that a limited liability corporation (LLC) is a good solution. An LLC protects your personal assets in case of any lawsuits or claims against your business. An LLC also allows you to claim business profits and losses on your personal tax returns, eliminating much of the paperwork and headaches involved with forming a regular corporation. Consult your lawyer in making your decision.

    Can I start a business with no money?

    It’s easy to come up with a list of obstacles standing in the way of you and launching your business. It’s often harder to come up with a list of opportunities that are right in front of you. If the thought of starting a business with no money scares you, stop and reflect on what you can do without right now.

    What’s essential to your business? Do you need the slick, custom-designed website when you’ve only perfected three items for your new online store? Could you do with creating a Facebook page to promote your business locally, instead? Or, would it make more sense for you to post your products for sale on a site like Etsy? Would it make more sense for you to design your own marketing materials on Canva? Could you barter and trade your skills/products/resources with someone else in lieu of payment?

    To say there are a lot of free resources on the web is an understatement. Make a list of what you need for your business and then research free alternatives on the web. Some common ways to cost save are:

    Admittedly, tapping into your savings account isn’t the ideal situation. Yet, it’s a pretty common practice among entrepreneurs. When designing your business plan, be frank with yourself about how much you’re spending and how much revenue you’ll likely bring in. Then, be realistic about how long it will take before you see a profit. Usually, it takes about at least six months before you start seeing any cash flowing in. Make it a goal to save at least six months’ worth of living expenses so you can devote yourself to your new business.

    Can a non EU citizen start a business in Sweden?

    The page was last modified: 2022-02-15

    Are you a citizen of a non EU/EEA country and thinking of starting a business in Sweden? Then you need a residence permit, and in order to obtain a permit there are certain requirements that you need to fulfill.

    What is the tax rate for small business in Sweden?

    Resident legal entities are liable for tax on their worldwide income unless tax treaties or special exemptions apply. Non-resident entities are taxed on income that is deemed to have its source within Sweden.

    Taxable income is subject to corporate tax at a flat rate of 20.6% applying from 1 January 2021. Until 31 December 2020, the corporate tax rate was 21.4%.

    Are Swedish taxes high or low?

    Political parties have been vying to offer the biggest tax cuts as the credit crunch tightens its grip on Britain. In their view, low taxes are now the best way to get the economy going and to help out families.

    Cutting or keeping taxes low has always proved popular with the electorate: in 1992 the Conservatives' election campaign slogan 'Labour's tax bombshell' made the most of the then shadow Chancellor John Smith's intention to increase the higher rate of tax from 40 to 50 per cent. Labour lost.

    What is the 183 day rule in Sweden?

    Some companies fall prey to the fallacy that, if their Home country has an income tax treaty with the Host country, their cross-border employees won’t be subject to taxation in the Host country if they are there for fewer than 183 days. Although most income tax treaties include a 183-day stipulation, it is only one of several requirements for determining whether an employee qualifies for treaty relief. For example, the business traveler will first have to be considered a tax resident of the Home country. In addition, many income tax treaties also require that both of the following conditions be met in order to qualify for income tax relief in the Host country:

    • The remuneration is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a resident of the Host country; and
    • The remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment (PE) that the employer has in the Host country.

    It is important to note that the meaning of these two conditions can vary by treaty. For example, some countries will use a legal definition of the word “employer” while others may look at it from an “economic” perspective (i.e., which company is bearing the responsibility and risk for the employee’s work). As well, although a PE can be a fixed place such as a building, a PE can also result from the length of a project or due to the specific activities being performed by the employee (e.g., the employee is concluding or heavily involved with negotiating contracts on behalf of the Home country employer in the Host location). For these reasons, it is critical to understand how the treaty will be applied for the specific Home and Host country combination and scenario, regardless of the assignment duration.

    Why is Sweden tax so high?

    It's tax time in America — and not just for accountants.

    The April 15 deadline for federal tax returns is fast approaching. At the same time, taxing the wealthy is becoming a big political issue in the leadup to the 2020 presidential election.