
How long does it take to get a Swedish personal number?


  1. How long does it take to get a Swedish residence card?
  2. How long does it take to get a coordination number in Sweden?
  3. How do I get a personal number in Sweden?
  4. Can you work in Sweden without personal number?
  5. Can I open a bank account in Sweden without personnummer?
  6. Can I leave Sweden while waiting for residence permit?
  7. How long does it take to get a residence permit in Sweden 2023?
  8. How long does the coordination number take?
  9. Can I buy a car in Sweden without personal number?
  10. Can I open a bank account in Sweden without Personnummer?
  11. How long does it take to open a bank account in Sweden?
  12. What is the easiest way to get a residence permit in Sweden?
  13. What is the success rate of Sweden residence permit?
  14. Can you be in Sweden while waiting for residence permit?
  15. How do I get a Swedish personal number?
  16. How long does it take to get a PN in Sweden?
  17. Why does Sweden have a person number system?
  18. What is a coordination number in Sweden?
  19. How do I get a Swedish personal identity number?
  20. What happens if you don't have a personal number in Sweden?
  21. Why is the Swedish Tax Agency taking so long?
  22. How long does it take to get a Skatteverket person number?

How long does it take to get a Swedish residence card?

Once you have been granted a permit longer than three months, a residence permit card must be issued before your arrival.

Residence permit cards are only proofs of residence permits. They cannot be used as ID cards or travel documents. 

How long does it take to get a coordination number in Sweden?

The coordination number is necessary to pay tax in Sweden. How to apply depends on whether you will commute daily between your home in Denmark and your job in Sweden, or if you will be staying in Sweden.  

As a daily commuter between your home in Denmark and your job in Sweden, you can apply for the Special Income Tax for non-residents, SINK. When your application is processed, you will receive a coordination number and a tax decision.

How do I get a personal number in Sweden?

Having a Swedish Personal Number – officially known as a personnummer – is necessary if you want to live in Sweden over the long term, and you should plan on getting this if you intend to live in Sweden more than one year. Once you have a personnummer you can do things like:

You can obtain a personnummer by registering with the Swedish Population Register through the government tax agency known as Skatteverket. Registrations cannot be made online. You must register in person at your local Skatteverket – there are over a hundred nationwide. For starters these are some basic items you will need to provide to register when you go to a Skatteverket office:

Can you work in Sweden without personal number?

For newcomers in Sweden, navigating the system without a personal number can be a challenging experience. (Photo: Dan Gribbin/Unsplash)

Living without a personal number (personnummer) in Sweden can be challenging, if not impossible. Personal numbers are what link people to government authorities and resources, and when people are ineligible for one, or unable to obtain one, life in Sweden can get a bit complicated.

Can I open a bank account in Sweden without personnummer?

Several banks refuse foreign customers to open a bank account in Sweden if the customer does not have a Swedish personal identity number - personnummer - and refer to some Swedish law or other regulations.

However, you do have the right to open a bank account in Sweden even if you do not have a Swedish personal identity number! As long as you are able to identify yourself and it is possible for the bank to verify your identity, you have the right to open an account in a bank in Sweden. The bank cannot require that you have a Swedish personal identity number or even an address in Sweden.

Can I leave Sweden while waiting for residence permit?

Your permit must be ready before you travel to Sweden. However, it is not forbidden to visit Sweden while you are waiting for the decision about your permit. You can apply for a visa to temporarily visit Sweden. Your application for a visitor´s visa is processed by the embassy in the country where you live and the embassy always judge applications on an individual basis. If you are granted a visitor’s visa, it is important that you return home when the visa expires and wait there for the decision regarding your residence permit. A residence permit will not usually be granted if you are in Sweden. People with visa exemptions who are waiting for a decision regarding their residence permit are recommended to inform the Swedish Migration Agency if they plan to visit Sweden.

How long does it take to get a residence permit in Sweden 2023?

The government processing time for initial Work and Residence Permit is now down to approximately two months, down from the three months reported in October 2022, due to more staffing at the immigration agency. However, Work and Residence Permit renewals are still taking three to four months. The processing suspension of corporate applications to be registered with Fast Track has been lifted, but processing of new applications is taking up to three months. Note that as June approaches, processing times may increase (especially for renewal applicants) due to a shortage of staff during this time. Travelers should not travel on expired permits and can contact their immigration professional for alternative options.

How long does the coordination number take?

Swedish citizens who have never held a Swedish passport, id-card or been registered with the Swedish Population Register must get a coordination number (e.g. an ID number) approved before applying for a Swedish passport. This applies also to newborn children to Swedish citizens.

NB: The Embassy can order coordination numbers for Swedish citizens only if you intend to also apply for a passport via the Embassy. If you are planning to apply for a passport in Sweden you should also apply for the coordination number in Sweden through the Swedish Police. 

Can I buy a car in Sweden without personal number?

If you are buying a car in another EU country and, under the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules, the car is classed as new, you must, in certain cases, pay VAT in Sweden.

Read more about the rules when buying a car (information from the Swedish Tax Agency).

Can I open a bank account in Sweden without Personnummer?

If you are buying a car in another EU country and, under the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules, the car is classed as new, you must, in certain cases, pay VAT in Sweden.

Read more about the rules when buying a car (information from the Swedish Tax Agency).

How long does it take to open a bank account in Sweden?

The four main banks in Sweden are Handelsbanken, Swedbank, Nordea and SEB. Bank offices are generally open Monday–Friday, 10am–4 pm.

The easiest way to open an account is to visit a bank branch in person. You usually need proof of address and your passport or Swedish ID card, but contact your bank or check its website for more details. Keep in mind that most banks require you to have a Swedish personal identification number when opening an account.

What is the easiest way to get a residence permit in Sweden?

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Depending on your country of origin, you will need a work permit or employment visa to work in Sweden. If you are an EU/EEA citizen, you have the right to remain in Sweden. This means there are no work permit requirements for you to take up work there. When you enter Sweden, or look for work, all you will need to do is show your passport.

As an EU/EEA citizen, you are also allowed to come to Sweden to search for jobs. Once you have a job and are settled in Sweden, you will need to register with the Swedish Tax Agency. Read more about this in our Residence Permits section below.

As a non-EU/EEA resident, you need a job offer to be eligible for a work permit, which you require to enter Sweden. It is not possible to enter Sweden, nor begin working in Sweden, before you are granted a work permit.

To obtain a Swedish work permit, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a valid passport.
  • Be offered employment that complies with the terms set by Swedish collective agreements, or are standard for the occupation.
  • Be offered a monthly salary of at least 13,000 SEK (1,480 USD) before taxes, or offered a salary that is on par with the position
  • Be offered employment that includes health insurance, life insurance, and social security.

When you apply for the work permit, you will also need to show proof of accommodation in Sweden as well as intentions to leave the country once your employment contract is through.

You can apply for a Swedish work visa in person at a Swedish embassy or online. The easiest way is to submit the Swedish work permit application form online.

Your Swedish employer will need to submit a written job offer and obtain approval from the relevant trade union regarding the job and salary. The job offer should include the length of employment, as this is directly linked to the validity period of the visa.

Once you receive and accept a job offer, your employer will start the online application for you with the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket). To do this, they will need your date of birth, information about your citizenship, education, and email address.

What is the success rate of Sweden residence permit?

Discover our welcoming community of expats! You’ll find many ways to network, socialize, and make new friends. Attend online and in-person events that bring global minds together.

Depending on your country of origin, you will need a work permit or employment visa to work in Sweden. If you are an EU/EEA citizen, you have the right to remain in Sweden. This means there are no work permit requirements for you to take up work there. When you enter Sweden, or look for work, all you will need to do is show your passport.

As an EU/EEA citizen, you are also allowed to come to Sweden to search for jobs. Once you have a job and are settled in Sweden, you will need to register with the Swedish Tax Agency. Read more about this in our Residence Permits section below.

As a non-EU/EEA resident, you need a job offer to be eligible for a work permit, which you require to enter Sweden. It is not possible to enter Sweden, nor begin working in Sweden, before you are granted a work permit.

To obtain a Swedish work permit, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a valid passport.
  • Be offered employment that complies with the terms set by Swedish collective agreements, or are standard for the occupation.
  • Be offered a monthly salary of at least 13,000 SEK (1,480 USD) before taxes, or offered a salary that is on par with the position
  • Be offered employment that includes health insurance, life insurance, and social security.

When you apply for the work permit, you will also need to show proof of accommodation in Sweden as well as intentions to leave the country once your employment contract is through.

You can apply for a Swedish work visa in person at a Swedish embassy or online. The easiest way is to submit the Swedish work permit application form online.

Your Swedish employer will need to submit a written job offer and obtain approval from the relevant trade union regarding the job and salary. The job offer should include the length of employment, as this is directly linked to the validity period of the visa.

Once you receive and accept a job offer, your employer will start the online application for you with the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket). To do this, they will need your date of birth, information about your citizenship, education, and email address.

Can you be in Sweden while waiting for residence permit?

Sweden is a member of the European Union, the EU. As an EU citizen, you are entitled to work in Sweden without a permit. You also have the right to come to Sweden to look for a job. Your family has the right to join you in Sweden as long as you have right of residence in Sweden.

When entering Sweden, you and any accompanying family members must have a valid passport or national ID card showing your citizenship.

How do I get a Swedish personal number?

To obtain a Swedish personal number, you can use Skatteverket’s Move to Sweden online service to fill out an application form. After completing the form, print it out and bring it along with the necessary documents to your local Skatteverket office.

How long does it take to get a PN in Sweden?

Beginning of June I applied for a Personal Number, beginning of August Skatteverket replied that my case has not been even assigned to an officer yet. Skatteverket mentioned that they can take up to 18 weeks to issue a PN. Did anyone apply for a PN in Sweden in 2022 and what is the waiting time you have experienced?

Why does Sweden have a person number system?

Since many Swedes have identical names, they can easily get confused with each other. This is why Sweden introduced the personnummer -system. Every Swede gets a personal identity number. Those numbers are issued by Skatteverket, the Swedish Tax Agency, as part of the population register.

What is a coordination number in Sweden?

A coordination number will be your identity number if you are not or cannot be registered in Sweden. In this post, we’ll focus more on how to get a Swedish personal number. A personnummer is a 12-digit number (YYYYMMDD-XXXX) that has different parts with specific meanings.

How do I get a Swedish personal identity number?

  • You can get a Swedish personal identity number when you register in the Swedish population register through the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). The personal identity number is widely used throughout your daily life, whether it is for memberships and subscriptions, opening a bank account, joining an insurance plan.

What happens if you don't have a personal number in Sweden?

  • The delays cause further headaches, as you are not able to submit a social security application until you have a personal number. It could also potentially delay salary payments, if the Swedish payroll department requires new employees to provide a personal number for their administration.

Why is the Swedish Tax Agency taking so long?

  • The Swedish Tax Agency is currently experiencing severe delays in their processing time for personal number applications. The official recommendations related to the pandemic are to stay home if you show any Covid-19 related symptoms, which has resulted in employee shortages in connection with illness and a backlog on submitted applications.

How long does it take to get a Skatteverket person number?

  • Find the nearest Skatteverket office. After submitting your application, the processing time for a personnummer can vary between 4 to 18 weeks. It depends on how lucky you are, some people reported that they received it within a week. In my case, I received mine within a week, while it took my husband 5 months to receive his.