
What is the identity number in Sweden?


  1. What is the identity number in Sweden?
  2. How do I get a national ID card in Sweden?
  3. What is your Social Security number?
  4. Can you work in Sweden without personal number?
  5. How many digits is the ID number?
  6. What is the 10 digit Social Security number?
  7. How do I get a SSN card?
  8. Can I open a bank account in Sweden without Personnummer?
  9. Can I buy a car in Sweden without personal number?

What is the identity number in Sweden?

A Personal Identity Number (Personnummer) in Sweden is a unique 12 digit identification number that is used for paying taxes in Sweden, and for many other practical things in Sweden. You will generally require this when opening a bank account, taking advantage of Swedish healthcare, or even when signing up for a gym membership. Your Swedish employer may also not be able to pay out your salary until you have have one. It is therefore important that this is done as soon as possible. In this article, we will show you how to get a Personal Identity Number in Sweden as a permit holder.

A Swedish Personal Identity Number is obtained by submitting an application to the Swedish Tax Agency after your arrival in Sweden. Before applying there are, however, a few things that need to be considered:

In order to obtain a Swedish Personal ID Number, you will need to prove in the application that you have the intention of staying in Sweden for more than 1 year. You will also need to have an address in Sweden for the registration process (a temporary address is generally accepted as long as it is not a hotel or similar). Third-country nationals (non-EU/EEA) applying for a Personal ID Number will also need to provide proof that they have obtained a residence permit allowing them to live in Sweden. 

How do I get a national ID card in Sweden?

Whether you like it or not, one of the most important things that you can have in Sweden, along with your personal number; would be your Swedish identity card. Life without an approved ID card in Sweden, can get tiresome and troublesome, when your expected to prove your identity every time you use your credit/debit card, or you resort to carrying your passport around with you 24/7, risking loss or theft. Having a Swedish ID card will make many of your everyday transactions flow more efficiently. And if you are planning on living in Sweden, efficiency is sure to become your best friend:) Your Swedish ID card can be used to confirm your age and prove your identity; for example: when collecting prescription medication at a pharmacy, paying for goods by card, collecting your post or conducting banking business.

The Swedish National ID card is the most frequently used form of identification in Sweden, as it is essential to provide personal legitimation in many circumstances. Unfortunately, simply quoting your personal number is not enough. If you do not have a Swedish drivers license (which is another approved form of ID)  then you should consider applying for an identity card.

What is your Social Security number?

The Social Security number (SSN) was created in 1936 for the sole purpose of tracking the earnings histories of U.S. workers, for use in determining Social Security benefit entitlement and computing benefit levels. Since then, use of the SSN has expanded substantially. Today the SSN may be the most commonly used numbering system in the United States. As of December 2008, the Social Security Administration (SSA) had issued over 450 million original SSNs, and nearly every legal resident of the United States had one. The SSN's very universality has led to its adoption throughout government and the private sector as a chief means of identifying and gathering information about an individual.

How did the SSN come to be, and why has it become an unofficial national identifier? This article explores the history and meaning of the SSN and the Social Security card, along with SSA's SSN master data file, generally known as the Numident. The article also traces how use of the SSN has expanded since its introduction and the steps SSA has taken to enhance the integrity of the SSN process.

At its inception, the SSN's only purpose was to uniquely identify U.S. workers, enabling employers to submit accurate reports of covered earnings for use in administering benefits under the new Social Security program. That is still the primary purpose for the SSN.

However, creating the SSN scheme and assigning SSNs to U.S. workers was no easy task. Passage of the Social Security Act in August 1935 set in motion a huge effort to build the infrastructure needed to support a program affecting tens of millions of individuals. Many said the task was impossible (SSA 1952; SSA 1965, 26). Employers were to begin to deduct payroll taxes from worker's wages in January 1937, giving the agency little time to establish the SSN process.1 Besides clarifying program policy, the agency needed to hire and train employees (7,500 by March 1938), set up facilities, develop public education programs, and create an earnings-tracking system (Corson 1938, 6).

Establishing the Social Security infrastructure was impeded for 3½ months by the lack of funds due to a filibuster of the 1936 Deficiency Bill (a government-wide appropriation bill similar to current Omnibus Budget Reconciliation bills) by Senator Huey Long (D–LA). The Roosevelt administration circumvented this obstacle by engineering a Works Progress Administration (WPA) allotment of $112,610 from the Department of Labor and by borrowing staff from the demobilizing National Recovery Administration, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, and the National Youth Administration. On February 9, 1936, Congress finally passed the deficiency bill containing the fiscal year 1936 appropriation for the Social Security Board (precursor of the SSA), and Roosevelt signed it on February 11. As late as March 15, 1936, there were still only five employees of the Social Security Board's Bureau of Old-Age Benefits—including the director and his assistant (McKinley and Frase 1970, 18, 28, and 49).

As a result of the June 1936 decision, the current SSN is composed of three parts:

  • The first three digits are the area number
  • The next two digits are the group number
  • The final four digits are the serial number

Can you work in Sweden without personal number?

If you’ve arrived in Sweden on a visa that doesn’t allow for you to obtain a personal number, all is not lost. It can be a challenge to access certain services, such as banking, the library, and signing up for a gym. With a little effort and the right provider, you can not only survive but thrive in Sweden without a personal number.

A personal number (personnummer in Swedish) is the Swedish national identification number. It is a 10 or 12 digit number used throughout the country to identify individuals. It is obtained when a person is entered in the Swedish population register by the Swedish Tax Agency.

How many digits is the ID number?

A Federal ID Number is a nine-digit number issued by the IRS. It is also called an Employer Identification Number (EIN). The digits are arranged as follows: 00-0000000. It is used to identify the tax accounts of the employers.

What is the 10 digit Social Security number?

All Social Security cards come with a series on numbers on the front and back. The ones on the back are for the card and the nine-digits on the front are for the holders’ account with the Social Security Administration.

Every Social Security Number is unique, and the agency has issued around 450 million cards since the programs was created in 1935. With a tweak to the numbering scheme a decade ago, the nine-digit combination will be able to continue to issue new numbers for at least another 50 years.

How do I get a SSN card?

Yes, you can request a replacement Social Security card online if you are a U.S. citizen age 18 or older with a U.S. mailing address. You must also have a driver's license or a state-issued identification card from one of these states. If you meet those requirements, you can set up an account on the SSA site to request a replacement card.

Can I open a bank account in Sweden without Personnummer?

Sweden is a popular destination for expats, especially given its healthy job market and tolerant attitude. Whether you’re starting a new career, furthering your education, or just visiting, Sweden boasts a thriving community of expats.

With an 89% English-speaking population, the process of opening a bank account should be fairly friendly. Many banking facilities host interpreters for non-Swedish or non-English speaking visitors. The country is turning into a cashless society, so opening a bank account in the country as soon as possible is imperative for your comfort and convenience.

Can I buy a car in Sweden without personal number?

You can search for car in Blocket. Customize the search filter according to your demands. Try to buy a car which doesn’t have high mileage [Miltal] (e.g. less than 15,000).

You can get information about your selected car using the car’s registration number (e.g. SUC 186).

After you select a car, you can check the market price of that car in Bilpriser.