
How much is moms in Sweden?


  1. How much is moms in Sweden?
  2. What is the VAT in Sweden?
  3. What is the food tax in Sweden?
  4. Is it VAT or VAT?
  5. Does Sweden pay kids money?
  6. How much does Sweden pay per child?
  7. Is moms VAT in Sweden?
  8. Do you tip in Sweden?
  9. What is the minimum wage in Sweden?
  10. What's free in Sweden?
  11. Do I need to pay VAT?
  12. Who gets the VAT?
  13. What benefits do parents get in Sweden?
  14. Which country has the highest child benefit?
  15. Which country has best child benefit?
  16. How much leave do new parents get in Sweden?
  17. Do Swedish parents get paid to care for a sick child?
  18. Does Sweden pay for preschool?
  19. How much money does Sweden spend on education?

How much is moms in Sweden?

Current VAT rate in Sweden is 25% for most goods and services. There is reduced VAT rate (12%) and super reduced VAT rate (6%) for some goods and services.

What is the VAT in Sweden?

Disclaimer: This article was accurate at the time of publishing. To obtain the most up-to-date information, please get in touch with our local experts.

View more information on other countries, or find out more about VAT.

What is the food tax in Sweden?

Sweden offers its citizens some of the finest social programs: universal health insurance, unlimited sick days, subsidized childcare, and free university tuition.

However, these luxuries do not come without a cost, and Sweden’s tax rates are among the highest in the world. In addition to Swedish taxes, Americans living abroad cannot forget their US expatriate income tax return obligation or other reporting requirements, like FBAR.

When contemplating relocating to Sweden, it’s essential to consider the impact it may have on your income tax return as a US expat, in addition to understanding the Swedish tax rates and deadlines. In other words, familiarizing yourself with the Swedish taxes for US expats is crucial before deciding to move.

  • Primary Tax Form for Residents: Swedish Tax Return (inkomstdeklaration) 
  • Tax Year: January 1st to December 31st. 
  • Tax Deadline: May 2nd (for online filing) or August 2nd (for paper filing) 
  • Currency: Swedish krona (SEK) 
  • Population: Approximately 10.4 million 
  • Number of US Expats: Approximately 18,000 
  • Capital City: Stockholm 
  • Primary Language: Swedish 
  • Tax Treaty: Yes 
  • Totalization Agreement: Yes 

Sweden is renowned for its comprehensive social programs. However, to support those social programs, Sweden also has some of the highest tax rates in the world. Swedish tax law is also known for its complexity, often making it difficult for expats to keep track of their obligations.

To help clear things up, here’s an overview of how Sweden’s tax law applies to US expats.

Is it VAT or VAT?

Albania (Last reviewed 07 August 2023) 20 Algeria (Last reviewed 31 May 2023) 19 Angola (Last reviewed 05 July 2023) 14 Argentina (Last reviewed 22 February 2023) 21 Armenia (Last reviewed 11 July 2023) 20 Australia (Last reviewed 29 June 2023) Goods and services tax: 10 Austria (Last reviewed 13 July 2023) 20 Azerbaijan (Last reviewed 04 September 2023) 18 Bahrain (Last reviewed 13 September 2023) 10 Barbados (Last reviewed 03 August 2023) 17.5 Belgium (Last reviewed 27 July 2023) 21 Bermuda (Last reviewed 29 June 2023) NA Bolivia (Last reviewed 01 August 2023) 13 Bosnia and Herzegovina (Last reviewed 21 April 2023) 17 Botswana (Last reviewed 14 July 2022) 12 Brazil (Last reviewed 26 December 2022) Excise federal tax (IPI): Normally between 5% and 30%;Federal VATs (PIS/COFINS): Generally a combined rate of 3.65% (cumulative) or 9.25% (non-cumulative); State VAT (ICMS): Normally between 17% and 20% (lower rates apply to inter-state transactions, varying between 4%, 7%, and 12%);Municipal Service Tax (ISS): 2% to 5% (cumulative). Bulgaria (Last reviewed 16 January 2023) 20 Cabo Verde (Last reviewed 14 July 2023) 15 Cambodia (Last reviewed 04 September 2023) 10 Cameroon, Republic of (Last reviewed 01 August 2023) 19.25 Canada (Last reviewed 15 June 2023) Combined federal and provincial/territorial sales taxes range from 5% to 15%. Cayman Islands (Last reviewed 12 July 2023) NA Chad (Last reviewed 05 February 2023) 18 Chile (Last reviewed 13 June 2023) 19 China, People's Republic of (Last reviewed 28 June 2023) 13, 9, or 6 depending on the types of goods and services Colombia (Last reviewed 03 August 2023) 19 Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Last reviewed 31 December 2022) 16 Congo, Republic of (Last reviewed 16 July 2023) 18.90 (18% VAT + 5% surtax) Costa Rica (Last reviewed 19 June 2023) 13 Croatia (Last reviewed 30 June 2023) 25 Cyprus (Last reviewed 28 June 2023) 19 Czech Republic (Last reviewed 27 July 2023) 21 Denmark (Last reviewed 08 August 2023) 25 Dominican Republic (Last reviewed 12 January 2023) 18 Ecuador (Last reviewed 01 September 2023) 12 Egypt (Last reviewed 14 September 2023) 14 El Salvador (Last reviewed 18 July 2023) 13 Equatorial Guinea (Last reviewed 02 August 2023) 15 Estonia (Last reviewed 08 August 2023) 20 Eswatini (Last reviewed 31 January 2023) 15 Ethiopia (Last reviewed 07 December 2022) 15 Fiji (Last reviewed 13 July 2023) 9% or 15%, depending on the goods or services being supplied. Some items are also zero-rated for VAT purposes. Finland (Last reviewed 03 February 2023) 24 France (Last reviewed 01 August 2023) Turnover tax: 20 Gabon (Last reviewed 14 July 2023) 18 Georgia (Last reviewed 19 July 2023) 18 Germany (Last reviewed 30 June 2023) 19 (Temporary reductions to VAT rates on meals [except for beverages] provided in restaurants and through other catering services and on the supply of gas and heat for private households) Ghana (Last reviewed 15 August 2023) Standard rate scheme: 15; andFlat rate scheme: 3

Additional levies are charged on taxable supplies. Under the standard rate scheme these are NHIL: 2.5, GETFL: 2.5 and CHRL:1. While under the flat rate scheme, this is the CHRL: 1

Does Sweden pay kids money?

In Australia we have youth allowance, which is about $220 per fortnight if you're under 18, living with your parents and studying fulltime. It also entitles you to a healthcare card, which caps the cost of most prescription medication to about $6.00

If you're forced to live away from home to study or attend school, the amount increases to $440 per fortnight (fortnight = two weeks)

How much does Sweden pay per child?

In Sweden’s efforts to achieve gender equality, each parent is entitled to 240 of the 480 days of paid parental leave. Each parent has 90 days reserved exclusively for him or her. Should a father, or a mother for that matter, decide not to take them, they cannot be transferred to the partner. Nowadays, men in Sweden take nearly a quarter of the entire parental leave, and the government hopes to improve that.

Is moms VAT in Sweden?

The Swedish VAT system is harmonised with the EU rules. The general VAT rate of 25% is chargeable on most goods and services. Reduced rates apply to a few goods and services, such as hotel accommodation, foodstuffs (excluding alcoholic beverages), restaurant meals, and low or non-alcoholic drinks (12%), as well as newspapers, magazines, books, e-books, passenger transport, maps, musical notes, some cultural services, transport in ski lifts, etc. (6%). Certain financial and insurance services are exempted from VAT.

VAT returns are filed and tax is paid monthly or quarterly. VAT returns must be filed monthly if the VATable turnover is estimated to exceed 40 million Swedish kronor (SEK) (estimated yearly sales excluding any reverse charge or import acquisitions). Companies with VATable turnover below SEK 40 million report VAT quarterly or may choose to report VAT on a monthly basis. For companies with a turnover of less than SEK 1 million, VAT is reported on a yearly basis in the VAT return, and these companies may also choose to report VAT quarterly or on a monthly basis.

As a member of the European Union, Sweden is also part of the Customs union enforcing the Community Customs code. Most EU Customs duties are calculated as a percentage of the value of the goods being imported. All imported goods must be classified according to the EU Customs tariff (TARIC), and the duty rates applied depend on the economic sensitivity of the goods. The actual duty rate to be applied also depends on other factors, such as the country of origin of the product and any free trade agreements that may be applicable.

Do you tip in Sweden?

In some countries not tipping is practically an act of war, while in others leaving cash can almost cause offence, so it's a social minefield knowing whether to tip or not, and how much is acceptable.

It doesn't help that there's no clear consensus among Swedes themselves. It definitely isn't as common as in many other countries, but a lot of people still feel that leaving a tip is a nice gesture. Others feel that a heartfelt tack så mycket ("thank you very much") is worth as much as leaving behind a few extra kronor.

What is the minimum wage in Sweden?

A large part of people who are planning a trip to Sweden for the first time, still have doubts as to whether Sweden is in the EU. The answer is yes.

Therefore, going to work in Sweden is practically no different from going to Germany or the Netherlands. Labor migration to Sweden is still not very popular and the demand for temporary workers in this country is constantly growing.

If we are talking about formalities, for the first 3 months of stay and work in Sweden, we do not have to produce any additional documents (it is enough to have a passport / ID card).

What's free in Sweden?

The Right of Public Access is a principle, protected by the law, that gives all people in Sweden the freedom to roam free in nature. Sleep on mountaintops, by the lakes, in quiet forests or beautiful meadows. Take the kayak out for a spin or experience the wildlife firsthand. Pick berries, mushrooms and flowers from the ground – all completely free of charge. The only thing you have to pay, is respect for nature and the animals living there.

The freedom to roam in Sweden means that you have the right to walk, cycle, ride, ski and camp on any land with the exception of private gardens, near a dwelling house or land under cultivation. We call it 'Allemansrätten'. Literally, it translates to "The all mans right" which means that everyone has the right to roam in the Swedish nature.

The Right of Public Access is a unique right, but with this right comes responsibilities – to take care of nature and wildlife and to show consideration for landowners and for other people enjoying the countryside. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sums up the Right of Public Access in the phrase 'Don’t disturb – Don’t destroy'. Keep these words in mind when exploring the Swedish nature.

One of the most thrilling aspects of Sweden’s Right of Public Access is that the delicious treasures of nature are free for all to feast on. Mushrooms, blueberries and lingonberries thrive in Swedish forests, and you’ll even find nuts in some regions. Picking mushrooms is hands down one of the top Swedish leisure activities. It's a convenient and rewarding way to experience the woods in the fall. It challenges your senses and your patience. Lastly, to cook and eat what you have gathered is an undeniable pleasure. The absolute freedom to do all this is a matter of course.

Wild berries and mushrooms belong to the landowner, but the landowner may not prevent people from picking them if they grow on land where the Right of Public Access applies. When it comes to truffles, however, there is some ambiguity. According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, you need to ask for permission from the landowner to pick truffles, as they usually need to be dug up. Such picking is not part of the Right of Public Access.

Remember that there are some poisonous mushrooms and berries in Sweden, so it's a good idea to hire an experienced guide for your mushroom and berry hunt. Before setting off with your basket in hand, bear in mind that no picking of mushrooms, berries, flowers and nuts (or anything else) is allowed in national parks or nature reserves.

Fancy waking up to birdsong in the unspoilt Swedish wilderness? Take advantage of the freedom to roam and pitch up a tent for a night or two. Providing you don’t disturb the landowner or cause damage to nature, 'Allemansrätten' is allowing you to freely choose your wild camping spot. Please remember to take every scrap of litter with you, to help preserve the natural wonderland of Sweden.

For a makeshift outdoor toilet, find a spot far from any trails or campsites, and dig it into the ground. And make sure you don’t leave any paper behind. Make a habit of carrying plastic bags and a small spade, which will enable you to bury any evidence.

Do I need to pay VAT?

Normally, when making sales in the course of business you need to register your business for VAT. When you register your business for VAT you will be issued with a VAT identification number.

If you make sales of goods or services that are considered exempt from VAT you do not always have to register your business for VAT.

Who gets the VAT?

  • a general tax that applies, in principle, to all commercial activities involving the production and distribution of goods and the provision of services. However, if the annual turnover of this person is less than a certain limit (the threshold), which differs according to the Member State, the person does not have to charge VAT on their sales.
  • a consumption tax because it is borne ultimately by the final consumer. It is not a charge on businesses.
  • charged as a percentage of price, which means that the actual tax burden is visible at each stage in the production and distribution chain.
  • collected fractionally, via a system of partial payments whereby taxable persons (i.e., VAT-registered businesses) deduct from the VAT they have collected the amount of tax they have paid to other taxable persons on purchases for their business activities. This mechanism ensures that the tax is neutral regardless of how many transactions are involved.
  • paid to the revenue authorities by the seller of the goods, who is the "taxable person", but it is actually paid by the buyer to the seller as part of the price. It is thus an indirect tax.
  • At the time when the European Community was created, the original six EU countries were using different forms of indirect taxation, most of which were cascade taxes. These were multi-stage taxes which were each levied on the actual value of output at each stage of the productive process, making it impossible to determine the real amount of tax actually included in the final price of a particular product. As a consequence, there was always a risk that EU countries would deliberately or accidentally subsidise their exports by overestimating the taxes refundable on exportation.
  • It was evident that if there was ever going to be an efficient, single market in Europe, a neutral and transparent turnover tax system was required which ensured tax neutrality and allowed the exact amount of tax to be rebated at the point of export. As explained in VAT on imports and exports, VAT allows for the certainty that exports there are completely and transparently tax-free.

What benefits do parents get in Sweden?

In Sweden you are entitled to be completely free from your work when your child is born. You are entitled to this leave over a continuous period of at least seven weeks before the expected date of the birth, and seven weeks after the birth.

Until the child is 18 months old, you as parent are entitled to be completely free from your work.

Up until the child’s eighth birthday, or until they complete Year 1 of school, you as parent are entitled to be completely free from your work if you take parental leave. You are also entitled to reduce your working hours by up to one-quarter.

Which country has the highest child benefit?

Evidence shows that experiencing poverty in childhood is detrimental to children’s health and development in the short run and the long run. As discussed in the National Academy of Sciences report on reducing child poverty,11 the ways through which being resource constrained or having unstable access to income can impact development are somewhat intuitive. Income grant families access to opportunities that promote development, such as consistent access to meet material needs such as food and housing as well as educational opportunities.12 In addition, stable income is associated with lower levels of parental strain and household stress.13

Given the relationship between household income and child development, it is not surprising that income transfers have been found to improve children’s development. A systematic review of these impacts is included in the NAS report on child poverty reduction, but some key examples from studies show the impact of income transfers on test scores,14 birthweight,15 and maternal mental health.16 And analyses of the Canadian Child Benefit expansion in particular shows impacts on test scores, maternal health, and physical health.17 These findings show that low income disadvantages children and compromises their development, while policies that increase income can, in part, alleviate these consequences.

Poverty in childhood has a documented negative impact on children that persists into adulthood.18 Most wealthy nations have some form of child allowances as part of their network of social policies that combat this problem.19 Table 1 summarizes the key structural elements of child allowance programs across the set of peer English-speaking nations identified by the NAS report as comparator countries for child and family policy. The United States stands out here in a number of respects. It is the only country to deliver a child-related payment at just one point during the year, rather than in regular installments that families can count on as part of their household budgets. It is the only country to require a minimum level of earnings to access the benefit; such that those with lower incomes often receive less than those with higher incomes. And it is the only country that does not offer its full benefit in cash—rather, the payment is structured as a partially refundable tax credit. The U.S. Child Tax Credit functions first and foremost as an offset to federal tax liability. If the credit value exceeds the amount of taxes a family owes, families receive a tax refund of up to $1,400 instead of the $2,000 per child given to higher-earning families.20

Since its inception, the Child Tax Credit has been expanded to include more low-income families, but many are still left out from the full benefit. The credit was established in 1997 under the Tax Relief Act of 1997. Initially, the credit amounted to $50025 per child, families needed $10,000 ($15,807 in 2020 dollars) in earnings to qualify, and it phased out for single filers with adjusted gross incomes (AGI) over $75,000 and joint filers with AGIs over $110,000. The credit was more progressive than the child deduction (which provided the most benefit to the highest-income tax filers by reducing their taxable income) but, being nonrefundable,26 the Child Tax Credit could only reduce a filer’s tax liability to zero. If the credit exceeded their tax liability, then families did not receive a refund for the difference.27 Together, the earnings requirement of $10,000 and the nonrefundability statute meant that children in low-income households were already left out of the Child Tax Credit at its inception.28

The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA) broadened access to the Child Tax Credit to include some children in low-income households by making it partially refundable; in addition, it made the Child Tax Credit more generous by increasing the maximum credit for qualifying families from $500 to $1,000 per child. Under EGTRRA, if a family’s tax liability was less than the maximum value of their Child Tax Credit, then they could receive a partial refund for the remaining value of their credit, but the refund was capped at 15 percent of their earned income above the earnings requirement of $10,000.29 While introducing a refundability component to the Child Tax Credit made it more accessible to low-income families, restrictions on refundability meant that many were still ineligible for the maximum credit. Moreover, the eligibility threshold of $10,000 was indexed to inflation, meaning that the amount of income needed to qualify for the credit rose in nominal terms every year.

In January 2008, Congress and the George W. Bush administration came together to pass a stimulus bill that contained the first refundable tax credit ever included in such a bill. One component of that credit was what was a one-time credit of $300 per child for families with earnings above $3,000. In October of that same year, Congress temporarily lowered the earnings requirement for the Child Tax Credit from the indexed $10,000 to $8,500.

Which country has best child benefit?

Basic income is all the rage these days. The idea — which calls for the government to give everyone in a given city/state/country/whatever enough money to live in, no strings attached — is being tested in Finland, in Ontario, in the Netherlands, and in Kenya. Switzerland's set to vote on whether to adopt it as a national policy in June.

But discussions of the proposal rarely mention that many rich countries — including France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Sweden — already implement a version of it. Most Western European countries have what's called a "universal child benefit," or a basic income going only to families with children.

How much leave do new parents get in Sweden?

The allowance can be split 50-50 between both parents, but there is also a minimum period ofthree months’ non-transferrable leave for each parent within the 480 days, a benefit that puts Sweden among the most generous to new fathers. However, while parents do not have to take the three months, they lose anything they do not use.

Do Swedish parents get paid to care for a sick child?

Sweden’s support for parents does not stop at infancy: they can also take up to 120 days leave per year to care for a sick child up to the age of 12. Known as vård av barn, which stands for “care for a child” in Swedish, parents are paida little shy of 80% of their salary to look after their sick child.

Does Sweden pay for preschool?

Time off to take children to doctor and dentist appointments is also covered under the scheme. Meanwhile, children in Sweden can attend preschool on a voluntary basis from the age of one, and on a mandatory basis from age three to six.The government pays for three hours of preschool per day.

How much money does Sweden spend on education?

27% of taxpayer money in Sweden goes towards education and healthcare, whereas 5% goes to the police and military, and 42% to social security.